Film and Video Production That Sets You Apart

If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, then a 35 second film is worth a 1,000,000 Words

{1000 x 35 seconds x 30 frames per second}

Demonstrate your business’s unique brand, culture and service through film.

Videos on your website and in your marketing offer a more personal and in-depth view of your company, products, service and culture. Vortex Digital will work with you to create beautiful, effective videos that market your business’s best.

Jonathan worked extensively in film production in the 1970 and 80’s in New York City, Tucson, Scottsdale and Flagstaff, where he was the Chief Cinematographer for KOAI-TV. Since 1990, his production company has produced many commercial, documentary and scientific films locally and for clients nationwide.

Call today to find out how we can bring you more customers, clients and patients at 319.621.0191!