Website Design Portfolio | Vortex Digital,Inc | Award-Winning-Web Design | Iowa City-Cedar Rapids

Web Design Portfolio

Award Winning Web Design

Vortex Digital has created elegant, visually-stunning, award winning websites for 26 years.

Our custom designed websites are always evolving to reflect the latest advances in technology, security and best practices.

Head quartered in The Iowa City – Cedar Rapids area, Vortex Digital serves discerning client brands in the US and Canada.

Call for a free consultation 319.621.0191!

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The Challenge: Master Compliance’s previous website was built in an old WordPress theme that hadn’t been updated in years, resulting in a broken UI, and staff being unable to make any edits. The site’s SEO was also nonexistent, making it hard to generate search engine traffic.

The Process: Vortex Digital scraped the site’s content, and migrated it into a modern theme that could be easily updated in the future. Extensive keyword research was performed, and each page received keyword-rich metatags and copy.

The Result: A brand new, fully functional WordPress site with a modern theme. Master Compliance staff now manages the site themselves, making edits and changes. The site’s SEO also improved, increasing search engine traffic and overall visits.

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The Challenge: The Local Hub approached Vortex Digital wanting to make a platform for local businesses, based on recommendations from local community leaders. The database of businesses would be curated based on community and expert feedback, and provide those businesses with an additional marketing avenue. The site needed a visually impactful design, and an ergonomic, easy to use layout to make navigating between businesses quick and simple.

The Process: As The Local Hub would be managing the website themselves and adding/editing the businesses, we worked with them to make this process as easy as possible for someone with little to no coding or technical knowledge. The backend is very simple to use and navigate. On the front end, the design deliberately points users towards the main feature, the business search. Users can search by a large amount of categories to see curated businesses, and each business has its own page with reviews, marketing information, contact information, and more.

The Result: A beautiful, custom designed website that provides a robust database of local businesses curated by community experts and business owners. The backend is easy to use and manage, with adding and editing businesses as simple as filling out a form. The frontend is easy to search through and navigate, helping users get to where they’re going as fast as possible.

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The Challenge: ThinkJOY was a brand new, nonprofit focused on helping elders in the community. They had no marketing or website, and needed both to get started. They also had a large amount of copy that needed to be condensed down.

The Process: Our art director worked with ThinkJOY to create a logo, design, and branding guide that matched their vision and feelings. Vortex Digital took all of the provided copy, and organized it into different pages to make it more digestible and less overwhelming. The logo, design and branding was also repurposed for social media and email marketing.

The Result: The project as a whole was taken on as part of our SEVA Project, where we give away several thousand dollars to a deserving nonprofit. The new website is custom designed and visually impactful, instilling a sense of hope in the community. Each page succinctly describes what they do, and how users can get involved themselves.

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The Challenge: Barbara Mishkin, the author of the children’s book, TIP’s Magical Journey, approached Vortex Digital needing a website to promote it. The sales would take place on Amazon, but she wanted a website to host her marketing and press material.

The Process: Vortex Digital met with Barbara to determine what was most important to put on the website: reviews, a contact form, ways to buy the book in bulk, and information about her. It was also important that as more books released, they could be added to the website easily and seamlessly.

The Result: A custom designed marketing platform for Barbara and her books. The newley released book, TIP’s Magical Journey, had already received reviews, and were populated on the website, long with other information related to the book. As new books are released, they can easily be added.

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The Challenge
The old Phelan Tucker Law website was difficult to navigate, and used a clunky, confusing wireframe that didn’t accurately convey all of the services offered. It was easy for users to get lost looking for areas of practice, and the copy was overwhelming with bland imagery not helping matters.

The Process
Vortex Digital worked with Phelan Tucker Law to identify which areas of practice were redundant, and which were necessary to keep. Jonathan also took professional photos of the staff and office to help the website design stand out even more.

The Result
The new Phelan Tucker Law website contains an updated wireframe, and succinct copy that accurately describes the experience and capabilities of the office. Visually striking photography shows off the impressive office, and professional headshots deliver a feeling of credibility and authenticity.

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The Challenge
Prime Land Auction was a brand-new business that needed a well-designed, user-friendly website to showcase its real estate listings and land options. 

The Process
Vortex Digital had to design a website from scratch that included all the necessary features for each listing and auction. Both options needed custom fields and post types. 

The Result 
An aesthetically designed website that displays all available listings and auctions with easily updatable fields for each option.