Brand Consistency: How to Maintain in During Difficult Times

Two strategies for maintaining brand consistency during difficult times

Two strategies for maintaining brand consistency during difficult times

It may seem as though the way business traditionally functions has been put on hold (at least for the foreseeable future) because of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus pandemic. Brick and mortar operations, supply chains, and even e-commerce functionality have been altered by a situation few saw coming.

Even though it may seem increasingly difficult to share content, communicate with customers, and bolster brand recognition as states tango with varying levels of shelter-in-place orders, marketers – including the team at Vortex Digital Business Solutions – are working diligently to adapt their portfolios, create digital content, organize and streamline brand messages, and craft critical language during this time.

Throughout the course of the coronavirus pandemic, it is becoming increasingly clear that brand consistency is of sizable importance when conveying the values, core messaging, and visual language of any given company. Simply put, brand consistency is the length a business goes to communicate messages in a way that does not stray from brand strategy, foundation, and values.

Under normal circumstances, maintaining this consistency is relatively straightforward. Common questions could include “does this image make sense compared to previous messaging,” or “do our social media posts accurately encapsulate brand values?” 

During a time of crisis, however, it may seem impossible to convey company messaging without seeming insensitive to the quandaries of others. At the risk of seeming out of touch or disjointed from society as a whole, many brands scramble to adjust their messaging to reflect societal concerns. Although this may be the case, there are a number of strategies brands can implement to convey their story without seeming fragmented.

Acknowledge and adapt
After an initial period of perplexity (which is a natural part of business during periods of uncertainty,) acknowledging that the world is different conveys to your customers that you care. Even a simple message like “we understand that this is a difficult time for many” shows that you are thinking about your customers outside of the traditional, transactional relationship. 

Once this rapport is established, you can share how society overcame previous challenges, possibly intermingling regularly-scheduled posts with positive quotes and anecdotes. This varied messaging – encapsulating business information with larger themes – shows empathy and resilience.

Maintaining tone – when do I post this?
Often, humor thrives during times of great stress. Even though a humorous anecdote can cut through tense situations, there is a time and