SEO Content - Two Strategies to Keep in Mind

Two Strategies to Keep in Mind When Incorporating SEO Content

Two Strategies to Keep in Mind When Incorporating SEO Content

If you are a business owner, you have heard the term ‘SEO’ used frequently. This elusive term can be a game-changer for how customers find your website!

The website development team at Vortex Digital Business Solutions knows the importance of well-executed SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Team Vortex also understands that poorly-executed optimization could have consequences for your bottom line. What is SEO content, and why is it essential for my business?

Simply put, SEO refers to the process of optimizing a website so the desired audience can easily find relevant content by ranking well on search engines such as Google and Bing. ‘Content’ refers to any information that lives on the web and can be found by potential and existing customers. SEO content is any communication created to attract traffic from search engines.

Even though SEO is critical in terms of establishing and maintaining brand awareness, the process of determining what verbiage attracts website visitors is a complicated process. After all, the creation of content still lies in the hands of human input, even if a vast network of supercomputers creates the algorithms working behind the scenes. Since designing our first website, Team Vortex has been committed to marrying design with functionality, perpetually learning about what audiences are searching for on the web, and staying abreast of continuous algorithm changes. 

Here are two strategies to keep in mind when thinking about the integration of SEO content into your website:

1. We’ve talked previously about Onboard SEO and Offboard SEO, but can you go overboard with SEO?
When thinking about the keywords and key phrases that rank your website higher in the search results, it may be tempting to ‘over-season’ your cont